Take the root-cause approach to whole-body wellness as a woman.

The Holistic Path to Balanced Hormones

For the woman who has tried everything but still feels like her body is working against her, this is for you.

Ready for one-on-one, custom support?

Christina is so attentive in building out a plan that is best for the female body. Her passion for healthy eating is evident & while my sweet tooth lives on, my cravings for sugar have certainly lessened. I feel more inspired in the kitchen & look forward to cooking/preparing meals that'll continue to eliminate unnecessary cycle pain. 

- Danielle

“Period pain no more”

My skin was TERRIBLE before I would get my period. I suffered from cystic acne and it was really taking a toll on my self esteem. After working with Christina and eating according to my cycle, my skin glows and I don’t experience breakouts before my period. Her healthy and holistic approach allows for a balanced life and I’ll forever be grateful.


“My skin glows and I don’t experience breakouts before my period!”

Raise your hand if any (or all) of these apply to you:

Being a woman doesn’t mean we should suffer every month, dreading our periods and everything that comes with it.

But sadly, so many women just accept this as part of life. 

“This is just what it’s like to be a girl…”

Get regular headaches

From your doctor to your bestie to that ill-advised WebMD search… they all tell you something different.

Whether it’s the next new supplement, health gadget, or diet, you’re likely wasting your hard-earned money on “solutions” that aren’t addressing the root cause of your symptoms.

I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault. Very few people are talking about the most effective way to support your health as a woman → balancing your hormones. 

Experience irregular menstrual cycles

Constantly feel fatigued

Struggle with skin issues like acne or eczema

Have trouble sleeping

Frustrated by weight issues

Rely on caffeine or energy drinks to get you through the day

Tired of being on hormonal birth control 

It’s hard to know what information to trust online and where to start.

These symptoms are a warning sign from your body that something is off. 

Your hormones are at the root of every negative symptom you’ve been experiencing. From your menstrual cycle, reproductive health, mood and weight regulation, skin health, cognitive function, and so much more.

And it won’t matter how much you hit the gym or how many organic foods you buy at the grocery store… if you aren’t prioritizing your hormone health, you’ll continue to be at war with your body. 

But when you learn how to optimize your hormones through lifestyle changes you will finally: 

You don’t have to keep living with the stress of uncomfortable symptoms that continue to disrupt your daily life.

It's time to address the root cause of your symptoms. 

I’m ready to learn how to heal my hormones

Easily manage your weight and feel confident in your skin

Not need to rely on Advil to get through the day or cancel plans during your period

Know exactly what to eat to properly fuel your body

Have more energy each day 

Finally see muscle tone because you learned how to intuitively move with your cycle

Smoothly come off your birth control without cramps, acne, and bloating returning

Understand how to support your body before getting pregnant if that’s a goal of yours

- vivian

“A holistic approach is possible… instead of putting a bandaid on issues!”

I had no idea that suffering through period symptoms was not normal. My own doctors were quick to prescribe birth control to alleviate my symptoms without looking at the big picture. It wasn’t until I began working with Christina that I realized a holistic approach is possible to address underlying causes instead of putting a bandaid on issues. Christina’s passion for health is so clear and it shows through her client interactions. She is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure her clients are well informed and supported!

I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and I can’t wait to help you on your journey to balanced hormones and a balanced life. 

Hi, I’m Christina… 

I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and I can’t wait to help you on your journey to balanced hormones and a balanced life. 

Hi, I’m Christina… 

My hormone health journey got off to a rocky start — as I'm sure you can relate. I went to my gynecologist when I was 16 to find out why I was getting my period twice a month. She told me I had PCOS, immediately put me on the birth control pill, and sent me on my way. No questions. No education. No information. And that, my friend, is why I'm so passionate about women's health. 

It took me three years before I grew curious about my diagnosis. Since the pill suppressed my symptoms, my PCOS was out of sight and out of mind. But the research I started doing opened my eyes to what hormonal birth control was actually doing to my body, my hormones, and my reproductive health.

I also discovered that birth control is a class 1 carcinogen that was just masking my symptoms and not healing them at all. 

I came off the pill cold turkey (not something I recommend to my clients) and my intense cramps, irregular periods, and mood swings came back full force. My period was anything but out-of-sight-out-of-mind. It was ruining my plans, disrupting my sleep, and leaving me feeling like I didn’t have agency over my own body. 

Learning about hormones wasn't just a passion at the time, it was my survival instinct. I was getting targeted with ads left and right with products promising to "cure" my symptoms. But I knew deep down that something was going on online I could fix. This is when I started learning about hormone health. 

I got my hormone health coach certification and learned everything I could about what women can do to experience pain-free periods and balanced hormones. Once I saw all the changes my body was experiencing – no more cramps, no more PMS, no more hormonal acne or bloating – I dedicated my career to helping all women learn this life-changing information: all it takes are a few key changes to your lifestyle to start feeling your best every day.

If that’s the life you’re craving, you’re in the right place. I’ve helped dozens of women balance their hormones, fix their periods, and get their bodies ready for pregnancy. I’ll teach you what your doctors didn’t share and you didn’t learn in health class. 

Click to Get Started Now

Get a holistic approach to health your hormones are craving

Transformations to expect when you enroll in the Healthy Hormone Program: 

This is the health class you never had but always needed. 

A balanced body and hormones so you can successfully live a life where you’re full of energy, your hair is healthy, your skin is clear, and your periods are cramp-free

Beyonce-level confidence in the kitchen as you cook meals that support your body and help eliminate unnecessary period pain

Diminished sugar cravings without completely cutting sugar out of your life

Glowing skin and no more breakouts before your period

Feeling more at home in your body as you enjoy the structure that cycle-syncing brings to your life

A holistic approach to balancing your hormones instead of band-aid fixes, like birth control

The accountability to help you stay on track with your lifestyle changes

A newfound empowered feeling as you learn the ins and outs of living in sync with your hormones

The incredible snowball effect as each area of your life transforms – more energy, higher libido, more confidence in your body – all starting with addressing the root cause of your health concerns!

Click to Get Started Now

Get a holistic approach to health your hormones are craving

What’s included in this 1-on-1 coaching program:

This is the health class you never had but always needed. 

A 320-question health assessment, followed by a food and mood journal assessment and an initial interview, all prior to our first official session

A virtual meeting once per week for 45 minutes where you’ll receive 1:1 support completely tailored to you and your health needs

24/7 access to me throughout the program. I’ll share my personal number so you communicate via text, voice memo, or DM, getting your questions answered as they come up

An 80+ recipe booklet to help you find confidence in the kitchen

Grocery lists on best foods to eat in each of your four phases for a healthy cycle

A deep dive into endocrine disruptors and how to live a low-tox life!

Personalized education + a PDF guide sharing the secret to balanced blood sugar – which is key for hormone balancing

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

Printable PDFs after every meeting that you can print and reference during each phase of your cycle so you know exactly what your body needs

A goodbye packet showing you the progress you’ve made and where you can still improve, leaving you set up for a lifetime of good health!

It’s easy to look for the “quick fix” → the latest diet or detox trend on social media, another protein powder or supplement (that may not be right for you), or the doctor’s favorite answer: birth control pills. It takes more dedication and education to get to the root of your symptoms and make real, lasting changes to wake up feeling your best every. single. day.

Whether you’re hoping to get pregnant in the future or you just want to stop dreading your period every month, the answer lies in balancing your hormones now. You can finally stop wasting time and money on things that don’t work long-term (and might actually be causing more harm than good).

Get more in tune with your body as you make real, lasting improvements to your health

- shanice

“4 months in, I was off the packets of ibuprofen, my cycles are now less painful, my hair is growing back, I feel less alien, and I enjoy cycle-syncing and having a structure in my life.”

Take back your life as a vibrant, energetic, and empowered woman





Get instant access to this high-value bonus when you join.

5 easy ways to start supporting your health right away

A grocery list + trusted food brands I love so you know how to shop to support these healthy changes you’re making, meal prep tips, and multiple healthy recipes to help you get started! 

A guide to what kinds of tea will support each phase of your cycle + the best style of workout to do in each phase

How and why you should keep a daily gratitude journal

A comprehensive PDF guide to help you start making simple lifestyle changes that will bring balance back to your hormones and overall health! (Value: $99)

Included in this PDF, you’ll find:

The Fresh Start Program

Plus, an hour-by-hour look at a full day where you support your body!

I had a hard time adapting to my changed body over the past 3 years. I had put on weight & while I have an athletic build and am fairly active, I couldn’t shake the few unwanted lbs. I worked out regularly and saw little change. Christina stepped in recently and taught me the importance of aligning my workout routine and what I fed my body to my cycles. I have increased energy, I feel powerful knowing I’m more in tune with my body & I’ve been able to meet my desired weight/fit. I couldn’t recommend Christina Wellness more – it’s not a weight loss program as there’s no quick fix, but knowing your cycles & feeding/treating your body accordingly has been amazing! 


“I feel more powerful knowing I’m more in tune with my body…”

Ever since working with Christina, both my mental and physical health has improved. She has shown me how toxic and ineffective diet culture is. With her guidance and recipe ideas I have been able to minimize my sugar intake and create a healthy lifestyle that works for me!


“A healthy lifestyle that works for me!”

I was in extreme pain and discomfort from PMDD symptoms. I pleaded to God what can I do that I haven't done before to put to death these horrific menstrual problems. And when I tell you I've done a lot, it even got to a point where I was contemplating removing my womb. I remember the exact post from Christina because the caption was speaking directly to me as if it was my life story! I felt so comfortable being vulnerable with her about any and everything. 

I find from my experience that very few people understand how it feels to be addicted to sugar, constantly suffer from anxiety, and be in excruciating pain every month. I needed more information about the root cause of these symptoms. All the information Christina gave me set your girl free! And what amazed me was that this was in a short amount of time! 4 months in, I was off the packets of ibuprofen, my cycles are now less painful, my hair is growing back, I feel less alien, and I enjoy cycle-syncing and having a structure in my life. On the other hand, I made a friend that I thank God for on a daily. Thank you so much, Christina! You are an angel sent from Heaven!'


“All the information Christina gave me set me free!”

A few things you might be wondering…


I’m Ready for Better Health!

I wish they taught us how to care for our hormones in health class, but they don't. If I’d had this knowledge about how to take care of my body and the four phases of my cycle when I was 15 years old, it would have saved me 10 years of pain and struggle. 

I remember Googling “how to lose 5 lbs in a month” and getting obsessive about it, trying so many different things because I really had no idea what to do. The over-exercising and under-eating just made my period symptoms worse. I wasted so much money on quick-fix supplements that promised to fix my symptoms, rather than learning about what caused those symptoms in the first place.

I don’t want that for you. Your current PMS, period trouble, and other health issues are not “just part of being a girl.” They’re a warning sign from your body that something is off. And there are simple things you can do to end the struggle. It all begins with addressing the root cause of your hormonal imbalance. And every woman needs individualized support to get things back on track. 

Remember, your hormones impact your gut health, liver health, skin, cognitive function, and more. And the juices, supplements, creams, and treatments you’re seeing on social media are just bandaids… Temporary fixes that aren’t actually solving your underlying hormonal imbalance.

NOW is the time to spend 6 weeks getting customized support and peace of mind knowing you’re doing everything you can to support your long-term health as a woman. It’s time to have more energy throughout the day, feel confident in your body, and stop dreading your period!

The bottom line…

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