A holistic path to support your body BEFORE pregnancy and birth

The Pregnancy Prep Program  

Ready for one-on-one, custom support?

“I am so happy I was referred to Christina. I have been on a journey in trying to have a baby and wanted a healthier approach to help with my fertility. I can not say enough about Christina. She is so easy to talk to and made me feel so comfortable. I thought I knew my body, but she really taught me so much that I had no idea. My energy level has increased, PMS has gone away, my skin has become so much clearer. Thank you Christina for everything! You have been a savior.”

- Therese

“I thought I knew my body… ”

I’m so excited for you and this journey you’re headed on. It’s a big decision and one that can come with a lot of overwhelming questions and concerns.

I get it. Just thinking about getting pregnant can bring a lot of stress for so many women. With the overwhelming amount of information on the internet, it can be hard to know what preconception prep makes the most sense for your body.

Are you planning to become pregnant within the next two years, either naturally, through IVF, or through IUI?

Or you’re dealing with uncomfortable symptoms like, painful cramps, bloating, headaches, PCOS or Endometriosis, and other “mystery symptoms”...

Or you’re confused about what to eat and which supplements to take for improved fertility…

I know you want to take control of your hormones, health, and fertility so you can prepare your body for this journey into motherhood. 

Whether you’re currently on hormonal birth control and questioning the best way to stop taking it…

So many women are silently struggling with the same symptoms and searching for relief.

You’re in the right place and should feel so proud of yourself for already making great decisions as a mom-to-be. 

But your body is begging you to address these underlying hormone imbalances before you try to conceive. Your period paid and other uncomfortable symptoms are your body’s version of check engine lights. 

And those check engine lights are a blessing in disguise. Those uncomfortable symptoms have given you the push to dig deeper into your health. They have given you the incredible opportunity to optimize your hormone health now, so you can create the healthiest environment for your future pregnancy. 

I need you to know that you’re not alone

It won’t take months or years to see the results. 

In fact, one of my clients reported that just three weeks after we started working together, she had the lightest and simplest period of her life – a sure sign that her body was on the right path to be prepared for pregnancy.

It’s still important to take a closer look at your overall health before you get pregnant so that you can have the healthiest egg and healthiest pregnancy possible.

The thing is… even without those physically uncomfortable check engine lights, your body can still be struggling with:

Even if you don’t have period-related health concerns…

Trouble sleeping

The best thing you can do for your body and your future baby is to get to the root cause of all your health concerns to build resilient and balanced hormones, well before conception.

High Stress

Blood sugar regulation issues

Weight management 

Low energy

Unfortunately, no one is talking about this part of pregnancy prep – which leaves many women unprepared for pregnancy and overwhelmed, confused, and scared if things don’t go as planned… 

But when you learn that optimizing your hormones for pregnancy can be done with simple lifestyle changes, you’ll feel empowered as a woman on your journey toward motherhood.

As you start to dream about baby names and nursery colors, take a second to imagine how it will feel when:

When you know you’ve balanced your hormones – you’ll feel fully confident that your body is ready for a baby.

The conversations you won’t have with your OBGYN

Let's Get Started!

You can safely come off your hormonal birth control without experiencing unpleasant side effects

You can stop going to Google or social media for answers on the best diets and supplements that don’t actually work for your body

Your partner knows what he needs to do to create the healthiest sperm

You’re confident about how to eat and what vitamins to take to properly fuel your body for a healthy egg

Your current health struggles – like period cramps, intense PMS, weight gain, etc. – are no longer an issue

You have more energy and are able to go through the whole day without feeling tired and needing naps

You understand the biomarkers for fertility and feel more in tune with your body

You’re less stressed and can actually enjoy this journey toward motherhood!

The pressure shouldn’t all be on you

It takes three months for an egg to fully mature. That’s why – if you want the healthiest possible pregnancy – you need to start preparing your body at least six months before you want to get pregnant. 

And while you’re working on your health, there are important steps your partner should take to address his health as well. Sperm takes two months to develop, so your partner needs to start prepping his body at least four months out.

Now is the time for you and your partner to take a closer look at your eating habits, workout routine, vitamins and supplements, and other lifestyle factors impacting your overall health. Pretending you're pregnant while preparing to get pregnant is the best way to have a healthy pregnancy and baby when you’re ready. 


Hi, I’m Christina… 

I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and I can’t wait to help you on your journey to getting pregnant! 

Hi, I’m Christina… 

My own hormone health journey got off to a rocky start -- as I'm sure you can relate. I went to my gynecologist when I was 16 to find out why I was getting my period twice a month. She told me I had PCOS, immediately put me on the birth control pill, and sent me on my way. No questions. No education. No information. And that, my friend, is why I'm so passionate about women's health. 

It took me three years before I grew curious about my diagnosis. Since the pill suppressed my symptoms, my PCOS was out of sight and out of mind. But the research I started doing opened my eyes to what hormonal birth control was actually doing to my body, my hormones, and my reproductive health.

I also discovered that birth control is a class 1 carcinogen that was just masking my symptoms and not healing them at all. 

I came off the pill cold-turkey - not something I recommend to my clients - and my intense cramps, irregular periods, and mood swings came back full-force. My period was anything but out-of-sight-out-of-mind. It was ruining my plans, disrupting my sleep, and leaving me feeling like I didn’t have agency over my own body. 

Learning about hormones wasn't just a passion at the time, it was my survival instinct. I was getting targeted with ads left and right with products promising to "cure" my symptoms. But I knew deep down that something was going on online I could fix. This is when I started learning about hormone health. 

I got my hormone health coach certification and decided to go even deeper, adding my hormone coach certification and then nutritional therapy practitioner certification. I learned everything I could about what women can do to experience pain-free periods and balanced hormones. Once I saw all the changes my body was experiencing – no more cramps, no more PMS, no more hormonal acne or bloating – I dedicated my career to helping all women learn this life-changing information: all it takes are a few key changes to your lifestyle to start feeling your best every day and support your body for a healthy pregnancy.

If that’s the life you’re craving, you’re in the right place. I’ve helped dozens of women balance their hormones, fix their periods, and get their bodies ready for pregnancy. I’ll teach you what your doctors didn’t share and you didn’t learn in health class. 

It’s time to stop stressing and guessing about what your body needs before pregnancy. 

Listen, future mama. I know you want the absolute best for you and your future baby. But stressing won’t get you any closer to healthy hormones. But you know what will?

The Pregnancy Prep Program



Six weeks of one-on-one coaching and support 


This coaching program is for any woman who is:

  • At the beginning of her hormone-balancing journey and wants to optimize her hormones and reproductive health

  • Wants to get off hormonal birth control in a safe way before trying to conceive

  • Just got off birth control and wants to balance her hormones preconception

  • Wants to reset her body before trying to have children

Empowering, customized support to help you balance your hormones for optimized health and improved fertility

Click to Get Started Now

What to expect when you enroll in the Pregnancy Prep program

I’m ready to prep for pregnancy 

A balanced body and hormones so you know your body is at its healthiest state to get pregnant

Confidence with your nutrition and eating habits to support your body for pregnancy (and eliminate your current health issues!)

Understanding what it really means to balance your blood sugar and stop experiencing sugar cravings 

A better understanding of how your partner can prep to create the healthiest sperm

More enjoyable workouts when you know the best way to stay active to support your body in preconception

The one-on-one accountability to help you stay on track with these key changes as you prep for pregnancy

A newfound empowered feeling as you learn the ins and outs of getting your body ready to conceive a child – you’ll receive 1-on-1, custom support. No one-size-fits-all plans here!

The incredible snowball effect as each area of your life transforms – more energy, higher libido, more confidence in your body – all starting with addressing the root cause of your health concerns!

I'm committed to helping you understand the why behind hormone health. I'll not only teach you how to optimize your hormones for fertility, but why it matters. Hormone education is the first step to a less stressed and more empowered pregnancy.

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

Click to Get Started Now

What you get inside the Pregnancy Prep program

A 320-question health assessment, followed by a food and mood journal assessment and an initial interview, all prior to our first official session

A virtual meeting once per week for 45 minutes where you’ll receive 1:1 support completely tailored to you and your health needs

24/7 access to me throughout the program. I’ll share my personal number so you communicate via text, voice memo, or DM, getting your questions answered as they come up

An 80+ recipe booklet to help you find confidence in the kitchen

Grocery lists on best foods to eat in each of your four phases for a healthy cycle – which leads to a healthy pregnancy

A deep dive into endocrine disruptors and how to live a low-tox life!

Personalized education + a PDF guide sharing the secret to balanced blood sugar – which is key for hormone balancing and a healthy pregnancy

Guidance on egg and sperm health, ensuring both you and your partner are fully optimizing your reproductive health

Education on the right supplements to take pre-pregnancy so you aren’t wasting your money on something that doesn’t work for your body

A workout guide for the four phases of your cycle so you know how to optimize your movement with your cycle for muscle gain and recovery

A goodbye packet showing you the progress you’ve made and where you can still improve, leaving you set up for a lifetime of good health!

Confidently enter this new stage of life feeling the best you’ve ever felt.





Get instant access to this high-value bonus when you join:

5 easy-to-digest lessons + downloadable PDFs to help you optimize your reproductive health and get ready to be a home for a future baby. 

This program shares all the pieces of the puzzle for pregnancy prep in a self-paced format you can access at any time. It’s the perfect complement to the customized support you receive from our 1:1 coaching sessions!

Pregnancy Prep Virtual Program

“It’s not always easy to meet someone for the first time and verbalize your biggest fears and habits regarding food. Working with Christina on Pregnancy Prep and Hormone Balancing was laid back, judgement free and above all- educational. We both joked about our small all-girl high school settings not preparing us to keep our bodies healthy and in-sync with our cycles and hormones. I find myself checking food labels, not in a compulsive way anymore - but because I’m nosey about ingredients I now put in my body. The awareness I now have for my body and its cycles is helping me heal my Endometriosis and move towards fertility day by day.”

-Cait K

“Helping me heal my Endometriosis and move towards fertility day by day!”

“I am so happy I was referred to Christina. I have been on a journey in trying to have a baby and wanted a healthier approach to help with my fertility. I can not say enough about Christina. She is so easy to talk to and made me feel so comfortable. I thought I knew my body, but she really taught me so much that I had no idea. My energy level has increased, PMS has gone away, my skin has become so much clearer. Thank you Christina for everything! You have been a savior.”

- Therese

“She is so easy to talk to and made me feel so comfortable. ”

The word on the street about the Pregnancy Prep one-on-one coaching program

Still have questions about the Pregnancy Prep program? I’ve got answers:


Show Me a Healthy Approach to Fertility

If you are planning to become pregnant within the next two years, the best thing you can do is focus on improving your fertility right now. That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing how important your lifestyle is when it comes to egg and sperm health. 

I wish doctors would address hormone and fertility optimization with us but they don’t. And that leads to a lot of women feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and defeated when it comes to taking care of their bodies and getting pregnant.

So many of us have spent years struggling with health concerns, wasting time and money on quick fixes that promise to fix our symptoms. But what we really need is to understand what’s causing those symptoms in the first place. And how those issues can affect fertility when we’re ready to get pregnant. 

Simple but key lifestyle changes can make all the difference on your preconception journey while getting rid of your unwanted health concerns – like PMS, skin issues, and low energy – at the same time!

Now is the time to spend six weeks getting customized support to prepare your body for the healthiest pregnancy possible. Let’s get your hormones balanced so your body has the best chance to feel safe and ready for your future baby. Will you take the first step and enroll in The Pregnancy Prep Program today?

I hope to hear from you soon!

The bottom line…

“Definitely do it. It’s worth the money you put into and time you put into it. You’ll see improvements very quickly and tangibly, which is awesome! And that’s motivation to keep going.”

– Andrea

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